Sunday, November 15, 2015

Final Essay Outline

Thesis statement: Is addiction a disease or a moral dilemma.

The way that some of society looks at addiction
  • Addicts are bad people
  • Addicts could stop if they wanted too
  • They just need to go to prison
Definition of addiction
  • Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.
There is help
  • Treatment is out there
  • Society needs more knowledge about treatment availability
What happens when addicts get the help they need
  • More tax payers
  • Society is a safer place
  • They realize their wrongs and make amends 
Why society looks at addicts as bad people
  • They make bad choices
  • They have family members that are addicts
  • They have been wronged in one way or another by one
They way addicts feel when they are using
  • A lot of guilt and shame
  • hopeless and helpless
  • They want help
It is a disease
  • Once an addict get clean
  • Research by doctors
  • Prof it is a disease
What is a moral dilemma 
  • Moral definition: concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of a human character
  • Dilemma definition: a situation in which a difficult choice has been made between two or more alternatives
  • There is help
  • Research proves it is a disease
  • Cost out of society's pocket if incarcerated or given treatment
  • Why its not a moral dilemma 


  1. Okay, so I noticed that you clearly said which side you chose in the discussion, but it should also be said in your outline thesis statement. Otherwise, I love your topic.

  2. The thesis is a statement, not a question. Make sure when you begint to write your paper, that it is done as such. A clear, strong statement. Also, in looking at your outline, it reads more informationally, to me. How might really hone in on the arugment you're trying to convey and support your claim? Moreover, show the opposing side! What does the opposition believe? I'm confused by the "moral dilemma" portion because if that is the meat of your argument, it should be discussed much sooner than the very last paragraph.
